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1. Will students have to know the organisational configurations proposed by Mintzberg?
Yes, these are explicitly in the Study Guide (section C1e). Questions may be set where there is a clear mismatch between organisational structures, processes and relationships and Mintzberg's stereotypical configurations might be a useful way of structuring an answer. Mintzberg has diagrams to represent each of his stereotypes. There is no need to learn these diagrams.

2. Franchising was part of the syllabus of the old paper 3.5 and several questions were asked about it.  Is a knowledge of franchising still required in paper P3?
Yes, it is a popular and legitimate method of pursuing a chosen strategic direction. To reinforce this point, the word franchising will be explicitly added to the Study Guide section B3b in the future.


3. I notice that a question on the pilot paper specifically asked for a particular model (PESTLE), whilst many questions in the past on paper 3.5 have not specifically asked for a model.  They have just suggested that students should apply an appropriate (or models) of their choice.  What is the policy for the future?
In the future, questions may either ask for a specific model OR may ask students to apply an approprate model (or models) of their choice. Only models and frameworks defined in the Study Guide will be explicitly referenced in a question. However, in general, questions which ask students to apply an appropriate model of their choice will predominate, hence continuing the tradition of paper 3.5.



    如果说高尔夫球场的美景如同一个少女的芳容,高尔夫文化便是少女那超凡脱俗的气质,二者的结合成就了高尔夫运动这样一个绝世佳人,使其在众体育运动中脱颖而出,引无数英雄竞折腰,为她痴迷,为她疯狂。在美国,上至总统,下至平民百姓,高尔夫是他们生活中不可缺少的快乐。在日本,不足37万平方公里国土面积的岛国就有各类球场1200多个,球员近千万人,那是一个对高尔夫运动如痴如醉的民族。有人说,打一场高尔夫,就象经历一次人生的旅途,银球的弧线要飞过起伏的山坡,跨越宽阔的水塘,躲过潜伏的沙坑,弯曲迂回的球道处处暗藏杀机,既要小心谨慎,又要大胆出击。桀熬不驯的高尔夫便这样激发起人们挑战的天性、征服的欲望。从高球礼仪到差点系统,高尔夫运动(callaway  Drivers)都力求规范性与公平性,体现了它尊贵、典雅的气质,使得运动者在运动中,一时失误不可太过失态而发无名之火,一时侥幸的好球也不可高兴太早。打完一场球,有成功的自豪,也有失败的气馁;有欣喜,也有遗憾;所以有人感慨球如人生

