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每日一练F3 答案回复可见

In finalising the financial statements of a company for the year ended 30 June 2004, which of the following
material matters should be adjusted for?

1      A customer who owed $180,000 at the balance sheet date went bankrupt in July 2004.
2     The sale in August 2004 for $400,000 of some inventory items valued in the balance sheet at $500,000.
3      A factory with a value of $3,000,000 was seriously damaged by a fire in July 2004. The factory was back in
        production by August 2004 but its value was reduced to $2,000,000.
4      The company issued 1,000,000 ordinary shares in August 2004.

A      All four items
B      1 and 2 only
C      1 and 4 only
D      2 and 3 only

