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每日一练F3 答案回复可见

A limited liability company’s trial balance does not balance. The totals are:

Debit                    $384,030
Credit                   $398,580

A suspense account is opened for the difference.

Which of the following pairs of errors could clear the balance on the suspense account when corrected?

A    Debit side of cash book undercast by $10,000; $6,160 paid for rent correctly entered in the cash book but
      entered in the rent account as $1,610.
B    Debit side of cash book overcast by $10,000; $1,610 paid for rent correctly entered in the cash book but entered
      in the rent account as $6,160.
C   Debit side of cash book undercast by $10,000; $1,610 paid for rent correctly entered in the cash book but
      entered in the rent account as $6,160.
D   Debit side of cash book overcast by $10,000; $6,160 paid for rent correctly entered in the cash book but entered
      in the rent account as $1,610.

