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有点晕, 有一下免九门的吗?

今天接到通知, 注册下来了。 据说免了九门, 有点不相信, 前几天自己写信去ACCA问人家也是这样说的。 有点晕。 跟我本意相差太远。 我本来想免个五六门, 剩下的自己考,拿到那个学位就不接着考了。 这下怎么办啊。想拿学位的话要放弃三门PART2的课程免考。 不拿的话直接考PART3, 好像现在对我来说没什么用。 迷茫ING。有人跟我一样免九门的吗? 能给点建议吗?谢谢啊:)


sorry for replying this late, coz I  just saw ur question, I  applied through an agency in Beijing, cost me 200 RMB more.

for the result of my examptions,  That was really surprised me, I don't think u could learn sth from me coz  I finished degree overseas, and all the papers I  have done are fully satisfied with local Accounting Association, but whatever your acadenmic background is , try to provide as much documents as you can to get maximum examption, .the best way to save money:

