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The issued share capital of Savoir, a publicly listed company, at 31 March 2003 was $10 million. Its sharesare denominated at 25 cents each. Savoir’s earnings attributable to its ordinary hareholders for the year ended 31 March 2003 were also $10 million, giving an earnings per share of 25 cents.Year ended 31 March 2004

On 1 July 2003 Savoir issued eight million ordinary shares at full market value. On 1 January 2004 a bonus issue of one new ordinary share for every four ordinary shares held was made. Earnings attributable to

ordinary shareholders for the year ended 31 March 2004 were $13,800,000.


Calculate Savoir’s earnings per share for the years ended 31 March 2004 including

comparative figures.

Savoir – EPS year ended 31 March 2004:

The issue on 1 July 2003 at full market value needs to be weighted:

40m x 3/12 = 10m

New shares 8m

48m x 9/12 = 36m


Without the bonus issue this would give an EPS of 30c ($13·8m/46m x 100).

The bonus issue of one for four would result in 12 million new shares giving a total number of ordinary shares of 60 million. The dilutive effect of the bonus issue would reduce the EPS to 24c (30c x 48m/60m).
这里请问BONUS ISSUE的计算是不是都视同会计年度的第1天发生?为什么不是这么算:13.8m/(46m+12m*3/12)=28c?

The comparative EPS (for 2003) would be restated at 20c (25c x 48m/60m).




我理解,新的8百万股不管是7月还是8月或是4月等月发行,这8百万股带来的bonus issue应该都是2百万股,因为是在1月得到的,所以加权后应该是2×3/12=0.5M

按你的理解,如果新股是八月1号发行,bonus issue:8*8/12*1/4=1.3M。

实际上,新股如果是八月1号发行,我还是得到2百万bonus issue啊。


网友Hilson的答复: “Because of no additional resource injection, the basic EPS will be diluted. ”
我觉得这句话是重点,是不是应该这样理解:bonus issue没有相应的资源注入,因此总资源还是13,800,000.00, 即30C×46M,由60M股来分,eps=30c*46/60.
可是,为什么答案是48?而不是 30C*46/58?

