27. What are the exam progression rules? Students must pass or be exempted from all nine exams in Fundamentals level and pass all three Essentials exams and two Options from four in the Professional level. There is no requirement for students to sit and/or pass any of the exams together, including the three Essentials exams in the Professional level. Students can take a maximum of four papers in a six-month cycle - this includes both paper-based and computer-based exams. The following six-month cycles have been designed: June cycle - 1 February to 31 July (including the June paper-based exam session) December cycle - 1 August to 31 January (including the December paper-based exam session). Students must sit the exams in module order - Knowledge, Skills, Essentials then Options - but can attempt papers within a module in any order. However, as the syllabus has been developed to progress educationally in the order presented, ACCA recommends that papers within a module are taken in order. Papers may be attempted from different modules at the same sitting as long as the modules are attempted in order eg a student can attempt Papers F1-F3 (all of the Knowledge module) and any one paper from F4-F9 (Skills module).