- 144676
- 帖子
- 17
- 主题
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- 注册时间
- 2016-4-15
F5 业绩管理——复习分享
(a) Recalculate the estimated lifetime cost per unit for the webcam after taking into account points 1 to 3 above. (12 marks)
(b) Explain the ‘market skimming’ (also known as ‘price skimming’) pricing strategy and discuss, as far as the information allows, whether this strategy may be more appropriate for Cam Co than charging one price throughout the webcam’s entire life. (8 marks)
(20 marks)
学员们先看(a)问中提到的提示词’Recalculate’,这证明,在题目中之前已经出现过一次对于单位成本的计算,但是由于某些原因,这里的某些原因就是’ points 1 to 3 above’,需要对已经算出来的单位成本进行修改,所以,学员们在答题的时候就可以从原题中获取很多数据,然后结合’points 1 to 3 above’写出自己的答案,这也就是计算的部分。
(b)问中的第一个词已经提示了考生这8分分配到了论述中。学员们应该注意的是,如果考试中发现了’Explain’, ‘Discuss’, ‘Prepare report’, ‘Suggest’和’Advice’等词汇的时候,就要注意,这是一道论述题了,就不能简简单单只通过计算或者只通过写几段话就完成对此文的回答,像这类问题,建议学员通过文字和数据相结合的方式来回答,即数据支持文字,文字表达数据,这样才能让答案体现的更为丰满,让考官觉得您真正理解了这个问题在问什么,并且知道该怎样回答才是对的。
‘Market skimming
Market skimming is a strategy that attempts to exploit those areas of the market which are relatively insensitive to price changes. Initially, high prices for the webcam would be charged in order to take advantage of those buyers who want to buy it as soon as possible, and are prepared to pay high prices in order to do so.
The existence of certain conditions is likely to make the strategy a suitable one for Cam Co. These are as follows:
– Where a product is new and different, so that customers are prepared to pay high prices in order to gain the perceived status of owning the product early. The webcam has superior audio sound and visual quality, which does make it different from other webcams on the market.’
因为这道题中要论述的论点是Price skimming,所以不会牵扯到数据的支持,但是学员们在这里要学的是考官的答题结构。一般利用总分的模式来答题,建议学员们背一背考官在答案中写的有关评论的文字,这样能使您的答案更加精彩。
此外,还应该引起学员们注意的是,在论述题中,一定要结合实际,所谓的结合实际就是需要在作答中与原题干内容有结合。 |