每日一练F6(CHN) 答案回复可见
<p>2 (a) Mr C, a Chinese national, had the following income for the month of January 2008:<br/>1. Monthly employment income of RMB 10,000, a bonus for the year 2007 of RMB 10,000 and free holiday<br/>travel for a trip to Hong Kong with a market value of RMB 3,000 as a reward for his outstanding<br/>performance.<br/>2. A net gain of RMB 20,000 from trading in the A-shares market.<br/>3. Gross interest income of RMB 1,000 from a bank deposit.<br/>4. Gross interest income of RMB 2,000 from a national debenture and a net gain of RMB 20,000 from the<br/>disposal of the national debenture.<br/>5. RMB 20,000 received as fire insurance compensation, which was less than the original cost of the asset<br/>destroyed by the fire.<br/>Required:<br/>Briefly explain and calculate the individual income tax (IIT) payable by Mr C for the month of January 2008,<br/>clearly identifying any amounts which are tax exempt. (9 marks)<br/>(b) Briefly explain the individual income tax (IIT) treatment of each of the following transactions and calculate<br/>the tax payable (if any) by Mr D, Mr E and Mr F:<br/>(i) Mr D is one of the investors of a limited company, Company P. During the year, Company P bought a<br/>car for RMB 200,000 for Mr D’s personal use. Mr D is the registered owner of the car. (2 marks)<br/>(ii) Mr E is one of the investors of a limited company, Company Q. During the year Company Q lent<br/>RMB 200,000 to Mr E so he could buy a car for his personal use. (2 marks)<br/>(iii) Mr F is the sole owner of a private enterprise R. During the year R bought a car for RMB 200,000 for<br/>Mr F’s personal use. Mr F is the registered owner of the car. (2 marks)<br/>(c) Briefly explain the requirements for the reporting and payment of tax due in the case of the individual income<br/>tax (IIT) on employment income. (5 marks)<br/>(20 marks)</p><p></p><p>2 (a) Mr C – Individual income tax (IIT) for the month of January 2008<br/>(1) The IIT for monthly employment income = (10,000 + 3,000 – 1,600) x 20% – 375 = RMB 1,905. 2·0<br/>The IIT for the yearly bonus is calculated as follows:<br/>Divide the bonus by 12 10,000/12 = 833·33 to find the applicable tax rate of 10% and the<br/>fast deduction factor of RMB 25<br/>Apply to the bonus amount: 10,000 * 10% – 25= RMB 975. 2·0<br/>(2) The gain from trading in listed shares is exempt. 1·0<br/>(3) The bank deposit interest is subject to tax at 5%: 1,000 x 5% = RMB 50 1·0<br/>(4) The interest income from the national debenture is exempt. 1·0<br/>The net gain on the national debenture is taxable at 20%: 20,000 x 20% = RMB 4,000. 1·0<br/>(5) The insurance compensation is exempt. 1·0<br/>––––<br/>9·0<br/>––––<br/>(b) (i) The benefit to the shareholder Mr D is deemed to be a profits distribution. It is taxed at 20%: 200,000<br/>x 20% = RMB 40,000. 2·0<br/>––––<br/>(ii) The loan to the shareholder Mr E is deemed to be a profits distribution. It is taxed at 20%: 200,000<br/>x 20% = RMB 40,000. 2·0<br/>––––<br/>(iii) The benefit to the sole owner Mr F is deemed to be income received by an entrepreneur from a<br/>private enterprise. It is taxed under the schedule with the fast deduction factor: 200,000 x 35% –<br/>6,750 = RMB 63,250 2·0<br/>––––<br/>(c) Individual income tax (IIT) is reported and paid on a withholding basis through withholding agents. In the 2·0<br/>case of employment income the earner of the wages and salaries is the taxpayer and the paying unit or<br/>individual will be the withholding agent.<br/>The tax withheld on a monthly basis must be paid to the State Treasury within the first seven days of the<br/>following month together with the submitted tax returns. 1·0<br/>(Note: in some cases, local tax bureaus may have different tax filing and payment dates).<br/>Where annual income is over RMB 120,000, the taxpayer must file an annual return within 3 months<br/>after the end of the taxable year. Where there is earned income from a source outside China, the taxpayer 2·0<br/>must file an annual return within 30 days after the end of the taxable year.<br/>––––<br/>5·0<br/>––––<br/>20<br/>––––</p> kankan thks 多谢! xie xie! <p>I just need it!</p> <p>太好了!</p> 好 kankan o xx~ 是真题还是模拟题? tks 惹 xuexi thks THS 顶 TKS! <p>谢谢!!!</p> 求答案~~~页: