<strong>1. What additional text books would be useful for tutors to refer to in preparing to teach P1?<br/></strong>In addition to the BPP and Kaplan Foulks Lynch textbooks, the following textbooks might be helpful.<br/>Crane, A. & Matten, D. (2003). ‘Business ethics’ Oxford: OUP.<br/>Solomon, J. (2007), Corporate governance and accountability, (Second edition), Chichester; John<br/>Wiley.<br/>Mallin, C. (2007). Corporate governance, (Second edition.), Oxford: Oxford University Press. <strong>2. As ethics could be a new area for many students will there be any allowance in any other<br/>papers for those converting to the new qualification?<br/></strong>Ethics will be fairly new to students converting to the new qualification, although ethics in context is already assessed to some extent in the existing Professional scheme, particularly in the audit papers, but also in corporate reporting and others. The new aspect however, is the focus on ethics and<br/>professionalism as a subject on its own. Converting students who find themselves having to take P1 in the new qualification are therefore strongly recommended to take the professional ethics module (free of charge) in order to familiarise themselves with ethical theories and to develop ethical sensitivity through undertaking interactive exercises and engaging with a comprehensive audit based case study. By doing this they will find themselves as well prepared for P1 as any new students who are required to take the professional ethics module for admission to ACCA membership <strong>3. Will there be any international versions of P1?<br/></strong>Yes there will be an adapted paper for the Singapore market as in that jurisdiction, demonstration of ethical competence and professional values in the context of well developed local professional codes of conduct, rules and governance is required for admission to membership of ACCA’s joint scheme partner institution. The approach of the examination paper is such that as line by line knowledge of codes and rule books is not required the paper is unlikely to specify particular codes in any level of detail. However, answers students give in different jurisdictions, including Singapore, will reflect these students’ knowledge of governance and ethics from their own local or regional perspective. <p><a name="P1_6"></a><strong>6. Should students cite examples when discussing for or against arguments in answering questions?</strong></p><p>Yes, markers will be looking for evidence of understanding of the content of the question. Relevant and appropriate examples can be used to demonstrate understanding and will be rewarded accordingly.</p> <p>考得不好,郁闷中</p> ...页: