<strong>1. How is it best to prepare for this exam?<br/></strong>In the exam you will face 50 questions covering the breadth of the syllabus. The questions tend to be fairly short and you need to be able to deal with each question in a few minutes and then move onto the next question. It is imperative that you practice plenty of multiple choice questions as part of your revision so that you are used to the style of question and you become used to dealing with subject areas quickly. Before the exam you should aim to practice the pilot paper under exam conditions to see how you get on.<br/> <strong>2. Are the questions in the paper based exam the same as in the computer based exam?<br/></strong>Both exams, paper based or computer based will cover the same syllabus areas and will have the same number of questions. The difference is in the style of question - the paper based exam consists of multiple choice questions only and the computer based exam consists of a variety of styles including multiple choice, number entry, multiple response or multiple response matching.<br/> <strong>3. Are all the questions on the exam computational?<br/></strong>No. The exam will consist of a mix of computational and written questions. Certain subject areas lend themselves better to written questions than others, but in testing a particular area, both computational and written theoretical questions may be set so you should be prepared for both.<br/>页: