谁能帮忙解释几句英语啊 谢谢!
Traditional measures have been largely based on growth in EPS, which has encouraged companies to seek to increase short-term earnings at the expense of long-term earnings, eg. by cutting back capital programmes. Even worse, concentrating on growth in earnings per share can result in a reduction in shareholder value, eg. by companies borrowing and investing in projects that produce a return in excess of the interest charge, but less than the return expected by equity investors. 是什么意思啊 ?谢谢! <p>我试试看,先翻点出来,请大家帮助指正</p><p>传统考核主要是依据EPS(每股收益)的增长,EPS指标导致了公司过分追求短期利益而不考虑长期收益.例如,收回资本计划.或者更为糟糕的是,过分关注EPS会稀释辞股东价值的下降,例如公司会依靠贷款来投资那些收益起过利息费用的项目,但这些投资却减少了权益投资者的期望收益.</p>页: