每日一练F3 答案回复可见
<br/>P and Q are in partnership, sharing profits in the ratio 3:2 and compiling their accounts to 30 June each year.<br/><br/>On 1 January 2002 R joined the partnership, and from that date the profit-sharing ratio became P 50%, Q 25% and<br/>R 25%, after providing for salaries for Q and R as follows:<br/><br/>Q $20,000 per year<br/>R $12,000 per year<br/><br/>The partnership profit for the year ended 30 June 2002 was $480,000, accruing evenly over the year.<br/><br/>What are the partners’ total profit shares for the year ended 30 June 2002?<br/> P Q R<br/> $ $ $<br/><br/>A 256,000 162,000 62,000<br/>B 248,000 168,000 64,000<br/>C 264,000 166,000 66,000<br/>D 264,000 156,000 60,000<br/><br/>A ? a a d a see see a kankan 怎么算的? d a b b D see <p>答案</p>页: