每日一练F3 答案回复可见
<p>P, after having been a sole trader for some years, entered into partnership with Q on 1 July 2002, sharing profits<br/>equally.</p><p>The business profit for the year ended 31 December 2002 was $340,000, accruing evenly over the year, apart from<br/>a charge of $20,000 for a bad debt relating to trading before 1 July 2002 which it was agreed that P should bear<br/>entirely.</p><p>How is the profit for the year to be divided between P and Q?<br/> P Q<br/> $000 $000<br/>A 245 95<br/>B 250 90<br/>C 270 90<br/>D 255 85</p><p><br/>B<br/>A P (340,000 – 20,000)/2 + 170,000/2<br/>Q 95,000<br/>B P 180,000 + 90,000 – 20,000 (Correct)<br/>Q 90,000<br/>C P 180,000 + 90,000<br/>Q 90,000<br/>D P 170,000 + 85,000<br/>Q 85,000</p> b <p>啊</p><p></p> b 3Q~~页: