每日一练F3 答案回复可见
<p>The closing inventory at cost of a company at 31 January 2003 amounted to $284,700.</p><p>The following items were included at cost in the total:</p><p>(1) 400 coats, which had cost $80 each and normally sold for $150 each. Owing to a defect in manufacture, they<br/> were all sold after the balance sheet date at 50% of their normal price. Selling expenses amounted to 5% of the<br/> proceeds.<br/>(2) 800 skirts, which had cost $20 each. These too were found to be defective. Remedial work in February 2003<br/> cost $5 per skirt, and selling expenses for the batch totalled $800. They were sold for $28 each.</p><p>What should the inventory value be according to IAS 2 Inventories after considering the above items?</p><p>A $281,200<br/>B $282,800<br/>C $329,200<br/>D None of these.</p><p>A 284,700 – (32,000 – 28,500) = 281,200</p> a a a d c 真好 <p>好,不错!</p> ?页: