每日一练F3 答案回复可见
<p>In preparing a company’s bank reconciliation statement at March 2003, the following items are causing the difference<br/>between the cash book balance and the bank statement balance:</p><p>(1) Bank charges $380<br/>(2) Error by bank $1,000 (cheque incorrectly debited to the account)<br/>(3) Lodgements not credited $4,580<br/>(4) Outstanding cheques $1,475<br/>(5) Direct debit $350<br/>(6) Cheque paid in by the company and dishonoured $400</p><p>Which of these items will require an entry in the cash book?</p><p>A 2, 4 and 6<br/>B 1, 5 and 6<br/>C 3 and 4<br/>D 3 and 5</p><p>B</p> b a a a b b kk <p>hao </p> xie xie!! happythin aa A b b b d maybe <p>see see</p> 非常感谢<br/> <p>see see</p>页: