每日一练F3 答案回复可见
<p>Which of the following items could appear in a company’s cash flow statement?<br/><br/>1 Proposed dividends<br/>2 Rights issue of shares<br/>3 Bonus issue of shares<br/>4 Repayment of loan</p><p>A 1 and 3<br/>B 2 and 4<br/>C 1 and 4<br/>D 2 and 3</p><p>B<br/></p> kk <p>Rights issue of shares</p><p></p><p>请问这个怎么翻译呢</p> b ding s[原创]
3 1 c qiaoqiao bu hui ty <p>why ? </p><p>"bonus issue of shares" not in cash flow statement?</p> ..@ look qq 1 c b B页: