每日一练F3 答案回复可见
<p>Which, if any, of the following statements about accounting concepts and the characteristics of financial<br/>information are correct?<br/><br/>1 The concept of substance over form means that the legal form of a transaction must be reflected in financial<br/> statements, regardless of the economic substance.<br/>2 The historical cost concept means that only items capable of being measured in monetary terms can be<br/> recognised in financial statements.<br/>3 It may sometimes be necessary to exclude information that is relevant and reliable from financial statements<br/> because it is too difficult for some users to understand.</p><p>A 1 and 2 only<br/>B 2 and 3 only<br/>C 1 and 3 only<br/>D None of these statements is correct</p><p>D</p> d <p>d</p> gf a a D页: