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<p>G, H and I are in partnership, compiling their accounts for the year to 31 December each year.<br/>The profit-sharing arrangements are as follows:</p><p>Until 30 June 2003<br/>Annual salaries H $40,000<br/> I $20,000<br/>Balance of profit split G 60%, H 20%, I 20%<br/>From 1 July 2003<br/>Salaries to be discontinued, profit to be divided: G 50%, H 30%, I 20%</p><p>The profit for the year ended 31 December 2003 was $400,000 before charging partners’ salaries, accruing evenly<br/>through the year and after charging an expense of $40,000, which it was agreed related wholly to the first six months<br/>of the year.</p><p>How should the profit for the year be divided among the partners?<br/> G H I<br/> $ $ $</p><p>A 182,000 130,000 88,000<br/>B 200,000 116,000 84,000<br/>C 198,000 118,000 88,000<br/>D 180,000 132,000 88,000</p><p></p><p>B</p> b b why?页: