每日一练F3 答案回复可见
<p>The following information is available about a company’s dividends:<br/> $<br/>2005<br/>Sept. Final dividend for the year ended<br/> 30 June 2005 paid (declared August 2005) 100,000<br/>2006<br/>March Interim dividend for the year ended<br/> 30 June 2006 paid 40,000<br/>Sept. Final dividend for the year ended<br/> 30 June 2006 paid (declared August 2006) 120,000<br/>What figures, if any, should be disclosed in the company’s income statement for the year ended 30 June 2006<br/>and its balance sheet as at that date?<br/>I ncome statement Balance sheet<br/> for the period liability<br/>A $160,000 deduction $120,000<br/>B $140,000 deduction nil<br/>C nil $120,000<br/>D nil nil</p><p>D<br/></p>页: