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jennifer63 发表于 2007-11-9 16:08

从今天开始,记录CMA的复习过程!!! GO GO GO !!!

<p>我是希瑞,赐予我力量吧!</p><p>我要加油考试, 考过了就能买好多吃的,去好多地方,买好大的房子。。。。</p><p>众兄弟姐妹们,加油吧!</p><p>生活太容易腻没意思!</p><p></p><p></p>

jennifer63 发表于 2007-11-9 16:14

<p>今天上班看了一下RIGO的复习资料,网友奉献的,我拿来上班的时候看。</p><p>不过不好意思的说, 我只看了4面,PART1- Introduction and Microeconomics from page4 to page8。</p><p>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>我的大概计划如下:粗粗粗的看一遍PART1,2,3,然后一部分一部分的攻克。</p><p>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>我现在的进程是,看完了PART1,3,开始看PART2。</p><p>PART1,3虽说看完了,但是好像没什么印象,不过没印象也还是要看下去,等到攻克的时候再仔细看。</p><p>毕竟英语不行啊,只能先瞟眼到底说什么啊。</p><p>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p>上班看复习资料,下班看教材!我就不信我过不了它!!!</p><p></p><p></p><p></p>

jennifer63 发表于 2007-11-9 16:18


jennifer63 发表于 2007-11-13 10:03

<p>Yesterday is Monday, i had no feeling to read the book, just reviewed the Tianya Club&nbsp;&amp; chated with friends &amp; clean my blog, it is all my day.</p><p>This morning, i get up early&nbsp;at 7:20, and sit quitely about 15 minutes, i will do it better&nbsp;and get a quite mind.</p><p>In order to avoid wasting time, today i will close all the website, hope i can control myself.</p>

jennifer63 发表于 2007-11-15 11:49

<p>Yesterday, </p><p>Gleim Notes: part2-unit1 page11-15</p><p>Teaching Book: part2-unit1 page 26-42</p><p>Yesterday,&nbsp;one colleague finished her maternity leave and invited me for lunch, and it took a long time from 12:00 to 3:30pm, and then select book on DANGDANG since it is free.</p><p>The reading process of teaching book&nbsp;is more quick than gleim notes, and the teaching book explain the issues more clearly, but i can not read the teaching book when i am at work in company.</p><p>Cheer up! </p>

jennifer63 发表于 2007-11-16 10:23

<p>I am not feel well and want to take a rest since of my collywobbles.</p><p>2007-11-15</p><p>Teaching Book: part2-unit1 page 26-50</p><p>I quit the Gleim notes, it is not suitable for this learning peroid.</p><p>Within this weekend, try my best to finish the unit 1 &amp; 2</p><p></p>

sovo 发表于 2007-11-29 21:14

<p>hehe......+U.....</p><p>I will join you soon. My background: applied mathematics, but focus on marketing after gradutation, 6 years in marketing. 1 year ago, join business development team in our company, in charge of M&amp;A projects, need more financial background....</p><p>Today, just download those documents. Get start....</p>

a_ysm 发表于 2008-1-10 16:34


bofet 发表于 2009-2-5 13:16

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