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sunny_2007 发表于 2006-12-1 13:18


1、This figure can also be expressed as a percentage of the cost of the asset which is then applied to the cost of the asset every year.<br/><p>2、The annual depreciation charge under this method is calculated by applying a percentage to the net book value of the asset as at the end of the previous year.</p><br/><p>3、However the amount of the depreciation figure used in the financial accounts in the year of acquisition and disposal depends of the policy adopterd by the business for part year acquisition and disposal. </p><br/><p>4、The most commonly used options below will use the example of ......</p><br/><p>5、However ,as noted above,rather than the cost of the asset being reduced ,a provision is set off against the cost.</p><br/>

ace_of_ace 发表于 2007-1-12 13:43


havyliu 发表于 2007-1-21 11:58


liberman 发表于 2007-5-2 23:26

<p>2.The annual depreciation charge under this method is calculated by applying a percentage to the net book value of the asset as at the end of the previous year.</p><p>该方法下计提的折旧费是用上年末资产账面净值的百分比法来计算的 (老外说话就是烦)</p><p>3、However the amount of the depreciation figure used in the financial accounts in the year of acquisition and disposal depends of the policy adopterd by the business for part year acquisition and disposal. </p><p>而公司购置和处理(资产)当年的账面折旧金额是由以前资产购置和处理时所采用的会计折旧政策决定的.</p><p></p><p></p>

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