Financial Accounting and Its Environment
英文原版书[attach]4626[/attach]<br/> <p>内容</p><p>LEARNING OBJECTIVES<br/>1. Define accounting and identify its objectives.<br/>2. Distinguish among the three major types of accounting.<br/>3. List the three primary financial statements and briefly summarize the information<br/>contained in each.<br/>4. Identify financial statement users and the decisions they make.<br/>5. Define generally accepted accounting principles and explain how they are<br/>determined.<br/>6. Describe the role of auditing.<br/>7. List the economic consequences of accounting principle choice.<br/>8. Assess the importance of ethics in accounting.</p><p></p> UP 不强制,就没回帖.帖子要沉. hao 不下,但是还是要顶 顶一下 下不了 支持 <p>楼主辛苦了,向楼主致敬 </p> <p>下不来!</p> 好 支持 <p>ok</p><p></p><p></p> hao hao 支持支持 <p>谢谢版 主</p> d页: