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Mechanic 发表于 2016-4-20 15:18

ACCA 北京代表处电话号码变更通知

ACCA 北京代表处将于 2014 年 8 月 1 日(周五)起启用新的电话号码(8610) 6535 2400。给您带来的不便之处,敬请原谅。感谢您长期以来对ACCA 北京代表处的支持,并期待能继续为您提供更完善, 更专业的服务!
新电话号码及传真号码 :
电话:(8610) 6535 2400
传真:(8610) 6535 2499
Dear all,
Please kindly be informed that ACCA Beijing Office will start to use new telephone number (8610) 6535 2400 since 1 August 2014. We’re sorry for any inconvenience brought to you due to this change. Thanks for all your kind support to ACCA Beijing Office and we are looking forward to providing you better and more professional service in the future.
The new telephone and fax number :
Tel: (8610) 6535 2400
Fax: (8610) 6535 2499
The email address stays unchanged accabj@

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