<p>我6月份考了最后三门,很不幸,全部fail了,都是差了几分,好气馁啊,对自己信心都不足了.有朋友在考吗?大家交流交流,互相帮助.我的邮箱:<a href="mailto:lu_ah@163.com">lu_ah@163.com</a></p> 没有上海考友吗? 我这次也考最后3门。第一次考! <p>我马上要到了,可以交流一下经验。MSN:<a href="mailto:glyu2003@hotmail.com">glyu2003@hotmail.com</a></p><p></p>参加英语四六级考试的朋友请加QQ448315643
参加英语四六级考试的朋友请加QQ448315643 <p>这次报最后四门,没怎么看,死定了</p> I will also sit for my last 3 papers in dec06. I am from shanghai, but not living in shanghai at the moment. I am crazily frustrated with 3.6. I thought it would be easy to pass at first, but now.... i am really not confident at all.... 你们都考最后三门了,一鼓作气吧!!页: