25 每天一练
<p>25 The following is an extract from the income statement of a business:<br/>$000 $000<br/>Sales revenue 22,000<br/>Opening inventories 5,000<br/>Purchases 15,000<br/>–––––––<br/>20,000<br/>less: Closing inventories 3,000 17,000<br/>––––––– –––––––<br/>Gross profit 5,000<br/>–––––––<br/>To the nearest day, how many days’ sales are held in the closing inventories?<br/>A 3,000/22,000 x 365 = 50 days<br/>B 3,000/17,000 x 365 = 64 days<br/>C 3,000/15,000 x 365 = 73 days<br/>D 3,000/20,000 x 365 = 55 days</p><p> </p><p>B</p> ? b <p>都是英文,搞不懂,痛苦!</p> check o look bre
<p>d</p><p>dnt understand</p><p>just a guess.......</p> a b我顶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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