- 【阿卡Dec2008大礼包】之ACCA F7-旧大纲历年考题及答案 (25 篇回复)
- F4_INT-旧大纲历年考题及答案. (6 篇回复)
- 【阿卡Dec2008大礼包】之ACCA F6-旧大纲历年考题及答案 (22 篇回复)
- SAMPLING TECHNIQUES IN AUDIT rob version (4 篇回复)
- [下载]CAT 7 往年试卷和答案打包 (16 篇回复)
- [下载]Paper2.4的讲义下载 (329 篇回复)
- 商业计划书模板 (40 篇回复)
- IFM管理会计讲义 (35 篇回复)
- [下载]管理会计本科教程(中国人民大学 孙茂竹) (131 篇回复)
- 08年12月f7讲义- chapter 13 - ias 11 construction contracts (131 篇回复)
- 08年12月f7讲义- chapter 16 - ias 17 leases (155 篇回复)
- 08年12月f7讲义- chapter 14 - ias 36 impairment of assets (136 篇回复)
- 08年12月f7讲义- chapter 22 - theoretical matters (125 篇回复)
- 08年12月f7讲义- chapter 21 - ias 33 earnings per share (131 篇回复)
- 08年12月f7讲义- chapter 25 - ias 20 government grants (156 篇回复)
- 08年12月f7讲义- chapter 24 - ias 18 revenue (134 篇回复)
- 2008年注册会计师考试真题--税法多项选择题 (2 篇回复)
- 2008年注册会计师考试真题--税法判断题 (1 篇回复)
- 2008年注册会计师审计试题及参考答案第十题至第十四题 (1 篇回复)
- 2008年注册会计师审计试题及参考答案第五题至第九题 (1 篇回复)
- p2corporate reporting (int) - syllabus and study guide (10 篇回复)
- [下载]Paper2.6的讲义下载 (627 篇回复)
- [CCAT2 信息与管理控制]CCAT2 (7 篇回复)
- [CCAT7 计划,控制和业绩管理]CCAT7 (7 篇回复)
- [CCAT3 财务记录]CCAT3 (5 篇回复)
- [CCAT1 财务交易记录]CCAT1 (5 篇回复)
- relevant to acca paper p4 (16 篇回复)
- 08年12月P5讲义-chapter 14 - current trends in performance management (27 篇回复)
- 08年12月P5讲义-chapter 15-risk and uncertainty chapter 16 - transfer pricing (26 篇回复)
- 08年12月P5讲义-chapter16-transfer pricing (27 篇回复)
- 08年12月P4讲义-chapter 4 - interest rate risk management (2). (27 篇回复)
- ACCA练习册下载-F7-FTC-section 2 (14 篇回复)
- [下载]罗斯-公司理财(第七版)Corporate Finance课件5 (106 篇回复)
- [下载]Robbins管理学-第8版讲义全集(19个英文ppt) paper 1.3 参考 (72 篇回复)
- 08年12月F6讲义-content aims and objectives of paper f6 (85 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 24-self-assessment and payment of tax for individuals (144 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 23-self-assessment and payment of tax for companies (124 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 22-value added tax – vat (118 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 21-overseas aspects – companies (106 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 20-corporation tax – groups (102 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 17-capital gains tax – individuals (112 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 16-chargeable gains reliefs – companies (116 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 15-chargeable gains - companies further aspects (102 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 14-chargeable gains - companies further aspects (111 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 13-ax adjusted trading losses (110 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 12-long period of account (112 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 10-corporation tax (121 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 11-calculation of corporation tax liability (128 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 6-partnerships (111 篇回复)
- 08年12月f6讲义- chapter 3-property business profit and investments – individ (132 篇回复)
- 08年12月F6讲义- chapter 2-income tax computation (156 篇回复)
- [下载]成本管理会计( 复旦大学会计系主任 洪剑鞘)2 (12 篇回复)
- FTC Exam Tips for F6 Taxation June 2008 (19 篇回复)
- 【阿卡Dec2008大礼包】之ACCA F3-官方文件 (31 篇回复)
- F5_INT-新大纲历年考题. (27 篇回复)
- f4_chapter_4_page_19 (3 篇回复)
- f4_chapter_4_page_19part2 (3 篇回复)
- F6 (UK)Pilot paper - questions and answers(2006) (5 篇回复)
- F6考官新文章(2009年1月) (23 篇回复)
- F6(CHN)考官文章(08年12月) (15 篇回复)
- F6 Study Text partial chapter sample (36 篇回复)
- F6-Instructions interview.pdf (42 篇回复)
- 【阿卡Dec2008大礼包】之ACCA F6-考官模拟题 (26 篇回复)
- Professional P4 2006模拟试题 (11 篇回复)
- 08年121月f6讲义- study guide, tax rates and allowances. (96 篇回复)
- [下载]高级财务会计讲义 (100 篇回复)
- 【阿卡Dec2008大礼包】之ACCA F9-旧大纲历年考题及答案 (18 篇回复)
- [下载]南京大学公司理财PPT (75 篇回复)
- [下载]公司金融讲义(上海交大 Fei YIwen ) (101 篇回复)
- ACCA Paper2.1电子讲义(关于信息系统的) (9 篇回复)
- [下载]Paper2.1历年试题和答案 (158 篇回复)
- [下载]2.6_AT版本笔记 (337 篇回复)
- [下载]2.6学习资料 (533 篇回复)
- [下载]BPP Paper2.1 Study Text (190 篇回复)
- 2009年6月F5 考官文章 (18 篇回复)
- ACCA Paper F5 June 2009 Exams (2 篇回复)
- relevant to acca qualification paper f5(1). (7 篇回复)
- F5_INT-考官模拟题 (12 篇回复)
- F5_INT_官方文件 (15 篇回复)
- f5_chapter_9_example2 (5 篇回复)